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Hike With Me is a new outdoor app that helps its users create and maintain a healthy lifestyle by showing hikes based on the user’s goal and location. Hike With Me also had the requirement that the user should click as few clicks as possible to reach their goal.

Their business goals are to 

  • Inspire people to a healthier lifestyle that encourages more active individuals by providing an app to help find and schedule hikes. 

  • Increase the number of hikes users go on

  • Increase the number of app downloads

Role: UX designer

Course: Treehouse




Hike With Me had a clear business goal to follow and personas describing their users, but needed help with how the user flow in the app should be. 

The personas describe two different persons with two different goals when using the app. Joaquin likes to go on challenging hikes with his friends and wants to use the app to schedule and find new exciting hikes. For Shania, hiking is a new hobby that she wants to explore in order to be more active and find new friends. So she needs a community so she can find hiking groups. 



The audience is women and men at the age of 20-50 who already have an active lifestyle or want to create one. They are located in Sweden but also want the ability to find and explore hikes in other countries. A large part of the target audience also wants to use the app to find new friends who share their passion for hiking and a community to be a part of. 

Meet Shania and Joaquin who represent the target audience below.

Hike With Me

iPad – 2.png
iPad – 1.png


Before I began sketching wireframes, I did an individual user flow for both Joaquin and Shania where I wrote down possible paths and goals on paper and rearranged them into a logical order. This process helped me visualize what the personas needed in their experience on the site.

When sketching ideas I wanted to satisfy both Joaquin who is an athletic person and wants to be challenged on his hike experience and Shania who has just begun hiking, I added the possibility to filter the hikes on levels and I also tagged each hike with the level of difficulty. 

To use the app, the user has to allow the usage of their calendar in order to schedule hikes which makes it simple for Joaquin when he wants to schedule a hike with his friends.

Shania doesn’t know anyone who likes to hike, so she wants to find hike groups to be a part of. In the community, she can look for openly scheduled hikes to join or hiking groups that regularly plan hikes.

User flow



User flow for Shania
User flow for Joaquin



Shania Wireframe


Joaquin Wireframe



Shania Mockup


Joaquin Mockup


My biggest learning for this project was to include gamification into the design to help motivate and engage users. 

The other challenge with this project was to create a design that could fit both Joaquin and Shania given the different levels of their active lifestyles. 

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