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Grocery Prime is a large grocery store chain that sells fresh groceries to families and individuals all over Sweden.

Role: UX designer

Course: Treehouse

Grocery Prime


Grocery Prime is a grocery store that is looking for a new way to help its customers‘ shopping experience. They want to create an app but are unsure of what the app shall contain and do.  


Grocery Prime’s target audience is persons who:

  • Shops for groceries

  • Shops for grocery store

  • is over 18 

  • lives in Sweden

  • Uses a smartphone


Find user pain point

I used semi-structured interviews to find potential pain points in a customer's shopping experience because it is a good way to get deeper answers.  

The first step was to find the right people to interview who suited the requirements above, I created a sample screener to help me find suitable candidates. To find the right group, used the site to find keywords related to groceries such as grocery stores and grocery stores near me. With these keywords (but in Swedish), to search for a suitable group on Facebook. 

Grocery Prime

I interviewed five people and to collect the data I used audio recording and later transcribed the data. 

 To visualize my findings, I used an Affinity Diagram (See below). 

Affinity Diagram

User tests on wireframes

After the semi-structured was conducted, I was given a set of wireframes from Treehouse. To ensure that the design choices that were made were easy to navigate and helped the user experience, I did a user test. Five persons participated in the user test and whilst the users interacted with the app on a phone I observed and audio recorded the session. 

The user test was done early in the process because it is easier to make changes in the design before all design decisions are done and developers start to code.

User test conclusions

One out of the five participants had a hard time understanding how to add bananas to the cart. To make this easier I suggest, adding a call to action button with text like “read more” or “add to cart” to the image, to help the user find more information about the bananas.


Three out of the five participants would like feedback when they interacted with the app.

When clicking save, a message should appear telling you that bananas have been saved to the cart and given the user to view the cart or continue to shop. An alternative is to change the number of items in a cart that is visible in the menu.


Two of the five participants would like to have seen images of the items. To give it a more appealing look. 


Based on observations, I think Prime Grocery would benefit from having more information about the product on the start page or when clicking the “Yellow bananas” text. Because it was here on this step the participants were most frustrated that nothing was added when clicking the plus sign. 


I interviewed and did the user testing by myself on the users. I think it would have been easier and better if I had a second person to help me with this because it would have been best to focus on one thing at the time like observing instead of doing that and trying to encourage the user to talk in the user test.

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